- Publication2024.08.23
- ABEL featured in the Nikkei Economic Newspaper
- Publication2024.08.22
- ABEL featured in “Catalog for Kansai Companies Targeting Overseas Markets” from Kansai Bureau of Economy, Trade and Industry.
- Publication2024.07.18
- ABEL Co., Ltd. Featured in the Japan Metal Daily
- Publication2024.07.01
- ABEL BLACK is featured in the August issue of “Pen” magazine.
- Publication2024.05.09
- ABEL is featured in the「Job Notebook for Elementary School Students」 in Yao City.
- Publication2024.02.19
- ABEL is featured in the January issue of the 「Journal of Plating & Surface Finishing 」
- Publication2021.10.21
- ABEL has been featured on the website of the Kinki Economic and Industrial Bureau.
- Publication2021.08.17
- ABEL has been featured in Nikkan Industrial Newspaper(Nikkan Sangyo Shimbun), Monday, July 26, 2021.
- Publication2021.03.03
- ABEL has been featured in Forbes Japan April issue.
- Publication2020.12.26
- ABEL has been featured in the Yomiuri Shimbun (Kansai, Chugoku, Shikoku edition) on Saturday, December 26th, 2020.
- Publication2020.05.02
- ABEL to appear on the NHK BS1 Special Program 5/3 (Sun) 19:00
- Publication2020.02.25
- ABEL has been published in the Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun
- Publication2019.11.08
- ABEL has been published in the Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun.
- Publication2019.08.23
- ABEL has been featured in the Nikkei Newspaper.
- Publication2018.09.29
- ABEL has been featured in the Nikkan Jidosha Shimbun (August 29, 2018)