Stainless steel loses metallic texture by painting or plating.
Coloring method of Abel Black is the only one technology to color the stainless steel material leaving metallic texture.
The coloring method, is done by using electricity and chemicals to grow the oxide film lager causing interference of light to make the surface look black. Since it is integrated with the base metal, no need to worry about peeling off.
It can be higher durability and weather resistance than original metal performance.
As the functional material, being rich in the designability and durability
As the functional material to be used in the various industrial fields,
capitalizing on the chemical characteristics.
Waste material can be recycled as scrap.
It forms non-peeling powerful black film, together with shading property and absorbing ability.
Powerful film enhances the value of the product, exhibiting the beautiful appearance of the metal feeling.
Available for stray light prevention and anti-reflection for sensors.
Let us show you here the stainless flat sheet “regular size sheet” of 1219 mm X 4000 mm stainless coil material.
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